Seminary Formation
The purpose of the Minor Seminary is to assist the human and Christian growth of adolescents, who manifest the seeds of a vocation to the ministerial priesthood. It develops, in a way appropriate to their age, that interior freedom by which they can make a response to the plan of God for their lives. (RF, 18)
According to the Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis (nos. 43-59, there are four dimensions that interact simultaneously in the iter of formation and in the life of ordained ministers:

The Human Dimension, which represents the ‘necessary and dynamic foundation’ of all priestly life; Human formation, being the foundation of all priestly formation144, promotes the integral growth of the person and allows the integration of all its dimensions (RF, 94)

The Spiritual Dimension, which helps to shape the quality of priestly ministry; Spiritual formation is directed at nourishing and sustaining communion with God and with our brothers and sisters, in the friendship of Jesus the Good Shepherd, and with an attitude of docility to the Holy Spirit. This intimate relationship forms the heart of the seminarian in that generous and sacrificial love that marks the beginning of pastoral charity (RF, 101)

The Intellectual Dimension, which provides the rational tools needed in order to understand the values that belong to being a pastor, to make them incarnate in daily life, and to transmit the content of the faith appropriately; Intellectual formation is aimed at achieving for seminarians a solid competence in philosophy and theology, along with a more general educational preparation, enough to allow them to proclaim the Gospel message to the people of our own day in a way that is credible and can be understood. It seeks to enable them to enter into fruitful dialogue with the contemporary world, and to uphold the truth of the faith by the light of reason, thereby revealing its beauty (RF, 116).

The Pastoral Dimension, which makes possible a responsible and fruitful ecclesial service. (RF, 89). Priestly formation must be permeated by a pastoral spirit. It will make them able to demonstrate that same compassion, generosity, love for all, especially for the poor, and zeal for the Kingdom that characterized the public ministry of the Son of God. This can be summed up as pastoral charity (RF, 116).
Each of the dimensions of formation is aimed at ‘transforming’ or ‘assimilating’ the heart in the image of the heart of Christ132, who was sent by the Father to fulfil his loving plan. As the Second Vatican Council indicates, the entire process of formation in preparation for priestly ministry, in fact, has as its aim the preparation of seminarians to “enter into communion with the charity of Christ the Good Shepherd”.
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